Can I call a base class's virtual function if I'm overriding it?

Say I have classes Foo and Bar set up like this:

class Foo
    int x;

    virtual void printStuff()
        std::cout << x << std::endl;

class Bar : public Foo
    int y;

    void printStuff()
        // I would like to call Foo.printStuff() here...
        std::cout << y << std::endl;

As annotated in the code, I'd like to be able to call the base class's function that I'm overriding. In Java there's the super.funcname() syntax. Is this possible in C++?

Solution 1:

The C++ syntax is like this:

class Bar : public Foo {
  // ...

  void printStuff() {
    Foo::printStuff(); // calls base class' function

Solution 2:


class Bar : public Foo

    void printStuff()

It is the same as super in Java, except it allows calling implementations from different bases when you have multiple inheritance.

class Foo {
    virtual void foo() {

class Baz {
    virtual void foo() {

class Bar : public Foo, public Baz {
    virtual void foo() {
        // Choose one, or even call both if you need to.

Solution 3:

Sometimes you need to call the base class' implementation, when you aren't in the derived function...It still works:

struct Base
    virtual int Foo()
        return -1;

struct Derived : public Base
    virtual int Foo()
        return -2;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    Base *x = new Derived;

    ASSERT(-2 == x->Foo());

    //syntax is trippy but it works
    ASSERT(-1 == x->Base::Foo());

    return 0;