Google Web Fonts and PDF generation from HTML with wkhtmltopdf

To convert HTML to PDF by wkhtmltopdf try to avoid woff font face. Use the truetype format of the Google Web Fonts with base64 encode.

Recently I tried to use a Google web font from Google Web Fonts. In the browser it shows correctly but it doesn't show after converting HTML to PDF.

After searching the web extensively, at last, I found tools to encode fonts to the base64 format and also got CSS for @font-face.

Read the solution here.

A simple solution: Base64-encode your font and embed it in the CSS:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'OpenSans';
    src: url(data:font/truetype;charset=utf-8;base64,AAEAAAATAQA...

FontSquirrel can do this for you through the advanced options of their Webfont Generator; Google and other fonts can be encoded with this tool.

I've used this solution with pdfkit and wicked_pdf, which work through wkhtmltopdf, so I presume this should work with the native wkhtmltopdf as well.