How to make this excel graph but in R [duplicate]

First, changed your sample data. When making data frame you don't need cbind() because in this case you make all columns as factors.

foo <- data.frame(case=c('A','B','C'), var1=rnorm(3), var2=rnorm(3))

To use two variables for barplot easiest way would be to melt the data from wide to long format.

  case variable      value
1    A     var1  0.7150827
2    B     var1 -0.5279363

Now use value as y values and variable for the fill. stat="identity" and position="dodge" will ensure that actual values are plotted and bars are dogged.

ggplot(foo.long, aes(case,value,fill=variable))+

enter image description here

I am not answering the question, in the sens I am not using ggplot2. But, if you want to use the data.frame in its wide format, one other way is to use ``barchartfromlatticepackage. To getggplot2theme, I am usinglatticeExtra`. Using @Didzis data:

     par.settings = ggplot2like(),axis=axis.grid,auto.key=TRUE)

enter image description here