You can contact John, Jane or me (myself) for more information [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
When is it correct to use “yourself” and “myself” (versus “you” and “me”)?

In a conversation, how is is correct to say:

You can contact John, Jane or me for more information ...


You can contact John, Jane or myself for more information ...


Myself is reflexive: it denotes that the person (me) is doing something to that person (myself) and no other.

It's not correct to use a reflexive pronoun unless the recipient of the action is the person doing that action. You can't mix you with myself.

You can talk to me.
I can talk to myself.

Use "me." Myself is unnecessary here. As a simple test, remove John and Jane from the sentence and re-read it. Which sounds better?

  1. You can contact me for more information.
  2. You can contact myself for more information.