What counts as data usage on the iPhone?

I went from low usage of data on an average to over my limit and I do not know why. How can I tell? Does streaming music count? I have AT&T, so I think I have unlimited texting. Do photos on my phone count? Or just when you send them?

Solution 1:

Everything that is not either a) texting or b) phone calls uses data. (That is to say, everything that sends or receives something.) Streaming music uses a lot of data (streaming video uses even more). Photos only count when you send them or receive them.

Also, note that the phone will use a WiFi network if available instead of the cell network, so that data doesn't count.

Your bill should give you some idea of how your data usage increased; if it doesn't a call to AT&T customer service (or visiting one of their stores) might be helpful.

Solution 2:

To keep track of your mobile data usage you could reset the "Statistics" on the phone on the first day of your billing cycle. To do this go to SettingsGeneralUsageCellular Usage and go to the bottom of the page. There you will see the amount of Cellular Network Data sent and received.