Is there a way to get download/clone statistics of a git repository?

Is there any way to get how many times a git repository has been cloned or downloaded from github? I was just curious as I found other statistics such as commit times lines of codes cam be generated using: but I did not find how to check for clone/download count.

Its super easy now!

Go "REPO -> Insights -> Traffic"

enter image description here

Cloning is a read-only operation, the original repository isn't modified. There is no way you can pull statistics for data that simply isn't tracked.

I just find out there is an even simpler way to get it with a single command using the github API.

curl -u [username]:[password][owner]/[repo]/traffic/clones


username  = your github id
password  = your github password, optional. If not put in command, a password request would pop out.
owner     = the owner of the repo, might be another name for a organized repo
repo      = the repo name

Have fun.

Regarding download statistics, you can get information about your Releases via the API.

For those using WordPress, I developed this plugin: GitHub Release Downloads. It allows you to get the download count, links and more information for releases of GitHub repositories.

To address the original question, the shortcode [grd_count user="User" repo="MyRepo"] will return the number of downloads for a repository. This number corresponds to the sum of all download count values of all releases for one GitHub repository.

Example: Example

Actual clone counts are available via the Clone Graphs feature, which I've been able to scrape to get the individual counts:

# This script requires:
#   apt-get install html-xml-utils
#   apt-get install jq

TOKEN=`curl -s -c /tmp/cookies.txt | \
     hxnormalize | \
     hxselect 'input[name=authenticity_token]' 2>/dev/null | \
     perl -lne 'print $1 if /value=\"(\S+)\"/'`

curl -X POST \
     -s -b /tmp/cookies.txt -c /tmp/cookies2.txt \
     --data-urlencode commit="Sign in" \
     --data-urlencode authenticity_token="$TOKEN" \
     --data-urlencode login="$USERNAME" \
     --data-urlencode password="$PASSWORD" > /dev/null

curl "$REPO/graphs/clone-activity-data" \
     -s -b /tmp/cookies2.txt \
     -H "x-requested-with: XMLHttpRequest" #| jq '.summary'