How to change mouse cursor and theme?

How can I change X11 cursor and theme in the newest Ubuntu? I can't find it. Please help.

In order to get your custom cursor to work with all applications do:

  1. Download a cursor theme.

  2. Open Gnome Tweak Tool and change the cursor theme.

  3. Open a Terminal.

  4. Run this command:

    sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme
  5. Select the number corresponding to your choice

  6. Log out.

  7. Log back in.

It is quite easy to change the cursor in Unity.

  1. Open a Terminal.
  2. Type in these commands:

    sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool
    sudo apt-get install oxygen-cursor-theme
    sudo apt-get install oxygen-cursor-theme-extra
  3. Select a new cursor theme from the Tweak Tool.

  4. Run this command:

    sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme
  5. Press Alt+F2, type this then press Enter:

    compiz --replace

(Alternatively reboot if compiz --replace doesn't work)

Maybe its too late for reply, but i faced a problem using this in 12.04. If you download a Cursor theme and extract it to /usr/share/icons/, make sure change its permission to 755:

chmod -R 755 cursors/

and change the Cursor theme in /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme to your theme.

then apply instruction described by suli8