How to install the latest stable version of Chromium?
Solution 1:
Chromium is currently not built for the chromium-daily PPA, which makes using it a bit of a security issue. Unless you can find a better PPA that stays up to date, I'd recommend you use the repo version of Chromium. Using an old browser on the internet will get you hacked. See:
Does someone know why the Chromium daily package isn't build anymore?
For the latest stable of Chromium click the button here:
Solution 2:
I've asked a similar question.
What I do is use the daily zip archives. Within Chromium I install the Chromium Update plugin. It doesn't auto install or anything but I have quick access to the latest zip which I simply extract to the current location (in my case ~/opt/
Solution 3:
GUI method
I remember that one of the first things that I made after I installed a fresh version of Ubuntu 13.04 it was to install Chromium browser . And I installed it from Ubuntu Software Center without to add any ppa repository or to download it from somewhere. Also, I remember that just a few days ago Software Updater announced me that there is a new version of Chromium to update.
So it's sure that Canonical have decided to provide the most recent Chromium versions and you don't need to think anymore what is easier way to install Chromium or how to stay up to date with current Chromium releases. And here is the official Ubuntu package of Chromium browser on Launchpad:
As you can see from above image, you can also to install Unity Webapp extension once with Chromum Browser.
Comand-line method
Open a terminal and run next command:
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
As a note, it seems that Chromium Likely to Replace Firefox As Default Browser in Ubuntu 13.10.
If you are interested somehow by other versions of Chromium browser from Personal Package Archives (PPAs), here is a complete list with all of these (some of them have been abandoned): And keep in mind that these PPAs are considered by Canonical unsupported and unsecured.