How to run Telegram from Terminal

So I have telegram messenger on my Ubuntu and I'm trying to launch it from terminal and later on set it up as startup program - problem is I cannot find command to run it. telegram/Telegram don't work.

This is how I installed this app:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/telegram
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install telegram

Thank you for any help.

The app is installed in


and the binary is


To start the messenger via command line, you have to use the full path or add the path to your PATH definition or create a symbolic link in /usr/bin:

  • Use the PATH

    1. Edit the file ~/.profile

      nano ~/.profile
    2. and add the line below at the end of the file

      export PATH="$PATH:/opt/telegram"


  • Use a symbolic link

    sudo ln -s /opt/telegram/Telegram /usr/local/bin

You have a desktop file:


and therefore use the command below

cp /usr/share/applications/telegram.desktop ~/.config/autostart

to create an autostart entry via command line.

enter image description here

Why do I know that?

% dpkg -L telegram

 % cat /usr/share/applications/telegram.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Network taking back our right to privacy.

If you installed using snap, try


Use a Bash alias like this:

alias tg='/opt/telegram/Telegram'

And then just type:


in Terminal and it will open Telegram. You can replace tg with what you like.