How do I initialize non-nullable members in a constructor body?

Solution 1:

class Lexer {
  String _text;
  int _pos;
  String _current_char;

This declares several members with type String. Since they are declared as String and not as String?, these members are non-nullable; they are not allowed to ever be null. (This is part of the new null-safety feature from Dart 2.12.)

Dart initializes objects in two phases. When the constructor's body runs, Dart expects all member variables to already be initialized. Because your members are non-nullable and haven't been initialized to non-null values yet, this is an error. The error message explains what you can do:

Non-nullable instance field 'text' must be initialized. Try adding an initializer expression, or add a field initializer in this constructor, or mark it 'late'.

  • Use initializer expressions. This means using an initializer list:

    Lexer(String text)
      : _text = text,
        _pos = -1,
        _current_char = '' {

    Note that if you're initializing members with a construction parameter of the same name, you can use shorthand:

      : _pos = -1,
        _current_char = '' {
  • Adding field initializers. This means initializing members inline in the class declaration.

    class Lexer {
      String _text = '';
      int _pos = -1,
      String _current_char = '';
  • Marking your members as late. This means that you promise that the variables will be initialized before anything attempts to use them.

    class Lexer {
      late String _text;
      late int _pos,
      late String _current_char;
  • Making your members nullable, which allows them to be implicitly null by default:

    class Lexer {
      String? _text;
      int? _pos,
      String? _current_char;

    However, I don't recommend that since that will require that all accesses explicitly check that the members aren't null before using them.

You also might want to read: Dart assigning to variable right away or in constructor?