Do Barbarian shouts stack for party members?

Do Barbarian shouts, such as War Cry, stack? If two barbarians cast War Cry, does the armor bonus stack or does it remain constant at increasing armor 20% for 60 seconds? What if each Barbarian has a different rune equipped?

According to answers on a Monk mantra question, the following should also be true of Shouts:

  • Different shouts do stack (you get the effects of all distinct shouts)
  • Multiples of the same shout do not stack
  • Differently-runed versions of the same shout will not stack, but you will get the effect of both runes.

Tater596, you are partialy correct. Shouts do not stack, however, if different runes are used, they do. If for instance 2 barbarians use their shout one runed with impunity (50% resistance bonus), the other with invigorate (+10% maximum life, 310 life per second), both would gain 20% armor, 50% resistances, 10% max life and 310 life per second. War cry does in fact work the same way monks mantras do.