How do i install less css compiler?

  • To Install Less Compiler

    sudo npm install -g less
  • To know the location of it

    sudo which lessc
  • To compile ".less" File to ".css"

    lessc /home/--Your LESS File Location--/File.less > /home/--Your CSS File Location--/main.css 

/usr/local/bin/ should already be in your $PATH so there's nothing to do.

Simply use lessc like you would any other command. Here's a little snippet showing mine is installed like yours, and it parsing some LESS into CSS.

$ sudo npm install -g less
... npm installs less ...

$ which lessc

$ lessc - <<< 'a{color:white; strong {color:black}}'
a {
  color: white;
a strong {
  color: black;