Port Forwarding from inner network to inner network (hairpin NAT)

I've successfully setup a port forwarding on a Mikrotik router that translates every request going to WAN ip address on port 8844 (let's say: of mikrotik to the local ip address and the same port.

As I have a DNS name for the WAN ip address (, I would like this rule to also work from inner network: -> ->

I have found a Mikrotik web page that describes this situation: http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Hairpin_NAT But I wasn't able to achieve the same.

Here is a printscreen of the rule

enter image description here

It's just a partial printscreen but everything else is not set (blank).

EDIT: the port forwarding rule and the classic masquerade on the router looks like this:

/ip firewall nat
add chain=dstnat in-interface=ether1-gateway protocol=tcp dst-port=8844 \
  action=dst-nat to-address= to-port=8844
add chain=srcnat out-interface=ether1-gateway action=masquerade

The solution is to rewrite the port forwarding to rule to not to use in-interface=ether1-gateway, but dst-address-type=local:

/ip firewall nat
add chain=dstnat dst-address-type=local protocol=tcp dst-port=8844 \
  action=dst-nat to-address= to-port=8844

Then add the hairpin NAT as specified in the original post:

/ip firewall nat
add chain=srcnat src-address= \
  dst-address= protocol=tcp dst-port=8844 \
  out-interface=bridge-local action=masquerade

Nat Masquerade to this works for every services at once. do not specify interfaces or port. internal port must be the same as the external port.