Font Rendering / Line-Height Issue on Mac/PC (outside of element)

The Design

The info widgets content should be vertically aligned in the middle as such:

Original PSD Design

The Coded Design

Windows: Chrome 20 / FF 14 / IE 9

Windows Coded Design

Mac (Lion / Mt. Lion): Chrome / FF

Mac Coded Design

The Code


<div class="info">
    <div class="weather display clearfix">
        <div class="icon"><img src="imgs/icons/thunderstorms.png" align="Thunderstorms" /></div>

        <div class="fl">
            <p class="temperature">82&deg; / 89&deg;</p>
            <p class="conditions">Thunderstorms</p>
    <div class="time display">
        <p>11:59 <span>AM</span></p>
    <div class="date display clearfix">
        <p class="number fl">23</p>
        <p class="month-day fl">Jun <br />Sat</p>
</div><!-- //.info -->


.info {
    border-spacing:20px 0;
    padding:6px 0 0;
    .display {
        background-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, .2);
        font-family:"Cutive", Arial, sans-serif;
        padding:3px 15px 0;
        .display p {padding:0;line-height:1em;}
        .time, .date {padding-top:5px;}
            .time p, .date .number {font-size:35px;}
            .time span, .display .month-day, .conditions {
                font-family:"Maven Pro", Arial, sans-serif;
            .display .month-day {padding-left:5px;}
            .icon {float:left;padding:0 12px 0 0}
            .display .temperature {font-size:24px;padding:4px 0 0;}
            .display .conditions {text-transform:none;padding:2px 0 0;}
    .lt-ie9 .display { /* IE rgba Fallback */

The Issue

Looking at the above images of the coded design you can see how the appears to throw off the alignment. Upon further viewing, the text is being rendered outside of the element on the mac.


Windows Coded Design Alignment


Mac Coded Design Alignment


I am embedding the fonts through a Google Web Fonts stylesheet.


I have tried the following:

  • Set line-heights on every element.
  • Set font-weights on every element.
  • Set heights on every element.
  • A combination of height/padding-top on every element.
  • Used percentages/em/px for padding.

It seems that no matter what I try, the content will never center align perfectly across mac and pc.

My Question(s)

It is possible to achieve what I'm trying to do in a simplistic manner?

Should I forgo the display:table-cell; route and set specific heights/paddings on each element and child? I will still run into padding/spacing issues between the two OS's.

What should I categorize this issue under? Line-height? Table-cells? OS? etc...

Thanks in advance!

Solution 1:

If it is resolved by using a different font (Arial) then the issue is with the font, not with the CSS. As you have noticed font rendering differs between browsers.

One possible solution could be to download the Cutive font (I see it has a SIL license) and then run it through the Font Squirrel font-face generator. In "Expert" mode there is an option to "Fix Vertical Metrics" which might be what you are looking for.

Solution 2:

I came across this problem with a custom font that had been created for a client's brand. I opened the TTF font in Font Forge. The way I created uniformity with rendering was to adjust the values in Element->Font Info->OS/2->Metrics.

Win Ascent/Descent values appear to work differently to the other values. I had the following values:

Win Ascent: 1000

Win Descent: 0

Typo Ascent: 750

Typo Descent: -250

HHead Ascent: 750

HHead Descent: -250

I changed the Win Ascent and Descent values to:

Win Ascent: 750

Win Descent: 250 (notice the positive value)

It appears you need to match the values except in my case I needed to invert the value of Win Descent to a positive one.

I have very limited knowledge about fonts but this did fix my problem. I generated the font as TTF and then ran it through a web font generator. The fonts now render identically on Mac/Windows 7/Android/iOS.

Hope this helps someone.

Solution 3:

My solution to this (very annoying problem):

  • Set all elements to float:left;

  • Set explicit line-heights;

Enjoy a victory over cross-browser/platform css ridiculousness.