Install Apache on RedHat without internet connection

You have basically 2 options

  • Download the needed RPMs, copy them to the server and install them manually using rpm -Uvh xxxx.rpm.
  • Set up a local yum repository from a mounted DVD with all RPMs for that distro

The first one is the easiest, and was the way you installed packages before all this yum/repos magic got working (RH 7.3 anyone? :-)). This method will fail if some other RPM is needed (dependency), in case you will also have to download that RPM and include it in the command line.

The second one is better. Involves mounting the DVD, use "createrepo" to create repository fils and setup a repo on /etc/yum.repos.d using "baseurl=file://path/to/"

Here is an example.

I'd mount DVD that you used to install REDHAT and create yum.repo file and install it off of that disk, all files that you need is already on that disk, worse case scenario just use rpm -ivh file from that directory and you should be able install it even without yum