Login into a headless VirtualBox VM that has no internet [closed]

Hello Jose Cabrera Zuniga,

try networking via the Host-only.

Host-only Networking in VirtualBox

A VirtualBox host-only adapter can function as a DHCP server to assign ip addresses to VirtualBox virtual machines. The host machine (and other virtual machines if any) can then connect to the virtual machines using these ip addresses using ssh or sftp (provided an ssh server is running on the virtual machine).

This does mean virtual machines using host-only can't access the outside world, but in particular, the host should be able to use ssh to login to a virtual machine (with an ssh server running) and sftp to transfer files between the host and the virtual machine.

(source with images: https://condor.depaul.edu/glancast/443class/docs/vbox_host-only_setup.html)

btw: here are some pretty neat tricks: https://ramblings.narrabilis.com/node/374