How do I automatically synchronize Google Docs with Dropbox?

I would like to be able to edit one of my Google Docs on another computer, save it online (not download it to that computer and upload it to Dropbox), and then be able to go back to my home computer and have the file already synced to my computer.

How do I automatically synchronize Google Docs with Dropbox?

Your answer I think is with Syncplicity

Dropbox just announced that this feature is in development.

Probably, but not with Dropbox. Dropbox exists for local syncing, GDocs exists entirely in the cloud. You'd want a dedicated application for that, but I don't know if such a thing exists. If it has a good API, though, it shouldn't be too hard to hack together.

The best actual solution is This is a dropbox equivalent that sync with google docs. SB

Actually, the most efficient way to sync Google Docs and Dropbox is to use cloudHQ.

And here is why:

Here are some benefits:

  1. cloudHQ will actually upload Google Docs document into Dropbox in MS Office format: so you can edit them using MS Office from your Dropbox

  2. cloudHQ can, optionally, upload your Dropbox MS Office document in Google Docs format so you can use Google Docs interface to edit them

  3. cloudHQ can establish two-sync but without "replicating deletion": so basically Google Drive can be become backup/archive of your Dropbox (or vice-versa)

  4. There is no need to have your PC/home computer running for sync to happen: as soon as you edit file for example via iPhone/Android or your iPad, the changes will be instantly copied directly between Google servers and Dropbox server.

  5. You can sync / merge / consolidate multiple Dropbox and Google Drive accounts

  6. You can sync just a portion of your Dropbox / Google Drive account