What's a good macro recorder for Windows? [closed]

I'm looking for a tool that can record everything I do with my mouse/keyboard and playback recorded sessions. I've found some softwares that can replay macro using a script but none that can also record a session.

I remember that my old 'mac classic' was able to do that 20 years ago. Can't I do that now?

The solution should be free and support Windows XP.

Many thanks.

Solution 1:

You can try this one: http://www.macro-recorder.com/

It's also working on Windows 7!

Solution 2:

AutoHotkey has a very good macro recorder available as a helpful tool with it, namely AutoScriptWriter.

There is a menu item for it, but if you can't find it look in the installation folder. The recorded macros may need some improvement by hand, but are a very good start.