How to see that the polynomial $4x^2 - 3x^7$ is a permutation of the elements of $\mathbb{Z}/{11}\mathbb{Z}$

I will give a shorter proof that $\alpha$ is a permutation on $\mathbb Z/11\mathbb Z$. (All the operations here are modulo $11$.) First of all, we make the following observation:

  1. If $x = 0$, then $\alpha (x) = 0$.
  2. If $x \neq 0$ is a quadratic residue modulo $11$, then $x^5 = 1$. Therefore, $ \alpha(x) = x^2(4-3) = x^2, $ which is also nonzero and is a quadratic residue.
  3. If $x \neq 0$ is a quadratic non-residue modulo $11$, then $x^5 = -1$, so that $\alpha(x) = x^2(4+3) = 7x^2 \equiv -4x^2$, which is also a quadratic non-residue. (I'll drop the term "quadratic" from now on.)

We now start with the proof. Clearly it suffices to show that $\alpha$ is injective. Since $\alpha(x) = 0$ iff $x=0$, we may restrict ourselves to $\mathbb Z_{11}^{\ast}$. Suppose $x, y \in \mathbb Z_{11}^{\ast}$ are such that $\alpha(x) = \alpha(y)$. Then from the observations (2.) and (3.), it follows that either both $x$ and $y$ are residues, or both are non-residues. In either case, we have $4 - 3x^5 = 4-3y^5 (\neq 0)$. Hence we have $$ x^2(4-3x^5) = y^2(4-3y^5) \implies x^2 = y^2 \implies y \in \{ -x, x\}. $$ If $y = -x$, then exactly one of $\{ x, y \}$ is a residue and the other is a non-residue, which we have already ruled out as impossible. Hence the only remaining possibility is that $x=y$, and we are done. $\ \ \ \ \Box$

I think the same idea can be used to manufacture permutation polynomials for $\mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z$ for any prime $p \equiv 3 \pmod{4}$. (The restriction on $p$ is so that $-1$ is a quadratic non-residue.) Pick a residue $c$ and a non-residue $d$ modulo $p$ (where $c,d \neq 0$), and define $$ \alpha(x) = x^2 \left( \frac{c+d}{2} + \frac{c-d}{2} x^{\frac{p-1}{2}} \right) . $$ By the above proof, this polynomial is a permutation polynomial for $\mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z$. This question is a specific example with $c = 1$ and $d=7$.

HINT $\ $ It is easy to verify that the map is onto (so $1$-to-$1$) by breaking it down as follows:

$$\rm\begin{array}{lllll} &\rm on \ \ \ \{n:\ n^5 \equiv 1\}&\rm it's &\rm x\to\quad x^2 &\rm with\ orbit\ \ \ \ (1)\ \ (-2\ \ 4\ \ 5\ \ 3) \\ &\rm on\ \ \{n:\ n^5 \equiv -1\} &\rm it's\ \ &\rm x\to\: -(2\:x)^2 &\rm with\ orbit\ \ (-3)\ (-1\ \:{-}4\ \ 2\:\ {-}5) \end{array}$$ Alternatively you could verify the resultant $\rm\:res(f(x)-y,\:x^{11}-x)\ =\ y^{11}-y\ $ over $\rm\:\mathbb Z/11\:,\:$ which calculation could be broken down and simplified as above. Generally one easily shows that $\rm\:f(x)\:$ is a permutation polynomial on $\rm\:\mathbb F_q[x]\:$ $\:\iff\:$ $\rm\:y^q-y\ |\ res(f(x)-y,\:x^q-x)\:.$

On 1. As it turns out every permutation of $\mathbb{Z}/p$ for $p$ prime is given by a unique polynomial of degree less than p.

Let $\alpha$ be an element of $\mathbb{Z}/p$ and consider the following polynomial

$$f_{\alpha}(X) := \displaystyle\prod_{\begin{subarray}{l} \beta\in\mathbb{Z}/p\\ \alpha \neq \beta \end{subarray}} { } (X- \beta) \in \mathbb{Z}/p[X].$$

Then $f_{\alpha}(\beta)$ is equal to zero if $\alpha \neq \beta$ and is nonzero otherwise. It follows, as $\mathbb{Z}/p$ is a field, there exists a multiplicative inverse of $f_{\alpha}(\alpha).$ Define

$$\delta_{\alpha}(X) := \frac{f_{\alpha}(X)}{f_{\alpha}(\alpha)}.$$

The polynomial $\delta_{\alpha}$ then satisfies $$\delta_{\alpha}(\beta) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 &\mbox{if } \beta = \alpha \\ 0 &\mbox{otherwise} \end{array} \right.$$

and is of degree $p-1.$

Now let $F:\mathbb{Z}/p \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}/p$ be any function and consider the polynomial

$$f_{F}(X) = \sum_{\alpha\in\mathbb{Z}/p} F(\alpha)\delta_{\alpha}(X).$$

Then $f_{F}$ has degree less than $p$ and satisfies $f_{F}(\beta) = F(\beta)$ for all $\beta \in \mathbb{Z}/p.$

It follows that any element $\mathbb{\sigma} \in S_{\mathbb{Z}/p},$ $f_{\sigma}$ is a polynomial of degree less than $p$ which acts on $\mathbb{Z}/p$ as $\sigma.$

Now assume $g$ is any polynomial of degree less than $p$ which acts as $\sigma.$ Then $g - f_{\sigma}$ acts on $\mathbb{Z}/p$ as the zero map. It follows that $g - f_{\sigma}$ is either equal to $0$ or divisible by $O_p := \displaystyle\prod_{\begin{subarray}{l} \beta\in\mathbb{Z}/p \end{subarray}} { } (X- \beta).$ As the latter cannot occur by degree considerations, it must the case $g - f_{\sigma} = 0$ and we conclude $f_{\sigma}$ is the unique polynomial of degree less than $p$ which acts on $\mathbb{Z}/p$ as $\sigma.$

Moreover, for any $\sigma\in S_{\mathbb{Z}/p}$

$$\{g\in \mathbb{Z}/p[X]: g(\beta) = \sigma(\beta) \mbox{ for all } \beta\in\mathbb{Z}/11\} = f_{\sigma} + O_p\mathbb{Z}/p[X].$$