Is there an actively maintained Truecrypt repository

I recommend the PPA I created for this. It contains a patch I created that adds an appindicator to it, since the old systray is no longer supported in Ubuntu.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stefansundin/truecrypt
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install truecrypt

The version is 7.1a, and I do not intend to update to 7.2 because it has less functionality.

v7.1 of true-crypt exists in the SuperOS PPA for Oneiric & Lucid (v7.0a for Natty)

Suggestion would be to install this external PPA - install truecrypt and immediately via Software Sources, disable (untick) the SuperOS source. The reason for this, SuperOS contains many packages that you may not want to upgrade to. The choice is yours.

to install

Installation instructions are on the SuperOS website

The SuperOS deb you download installs the PPA and the GPG keys

Once you have added the PPA

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install truecrypt

as with all PPAs - this can make your system unstable - have a valid disk-image that you can restore to

not tested by myself