How to solve flutter web api cors error only with dart code?

It seems like CORS error is well-known issue in the web field. But I tried flutter web for the first time ever and I faced critical error.

The code below worked well in app version when it was running on iOS device, but when i tested the same code on Chrome with web debugging from beta channel, it encountered CORS error.

Other stackoverflow answers explained how to solve the CORS issue with serverside files of their projects. But I have totally no idea what is server thing and how to deal with their answers. The error message from Chrome console was below

[ Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://localhost:52700' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. ]

So, what i want to do is to solve above 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin header' issue ONLY WITH DART CODE! Code below is what i've tried to solve these issues only with my main.dart.

onPressed: () async {
      var res =
          await'', encoding: Encoding.getByName('utf8'), headers: {
        'Authorization': 'KakaoAK $_ADMIN_KEY',
        HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader: 'KakaoAK $_ADMIN_KEY',
        "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
        "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, HEAD",
      }, body: {
        'cid': 'TC0ONETIME',
        'partner_order_id': 'partner_order_id',
        'partner_user_id': 'partner_user_id',
        'item_name': 'cool_beer',
        'quantity': '1',
        'total_amount': '22222',
        'vat_amount': '2222',
        'tax_free_amount': '0',
        'approval_url': '$_URL/kakaopayment',
        'fail_url': '$_URL/kakaopayment',
        'cancel_url': '$_URL/kakaopayment'
      Map<String, dynamic> result = json.decode(res.body);

Even though i actually had the header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" which most other answers recommended, the Chrome console printed same error message. Weird thing is that the same code made successful request in mobileApp version. So I think this is only problem with flutter WEB VERSION.

Hope somebody can figure it out and suggest only-dart code to resolve the issue in my main.dart!! Thank you for reading [:

1- Go to flutter\bin\cache and remove a file named: flutter_tools.stamp

2- Go to flutter\packages\flutter_tools\lib\src\web and open the file chrome.dart.

3- Find '--disable-extensions'

4- Add '--disable-web-security'

Server side engine like node js or django is really needed to work with flutter web with bunch of external apis. Actually there's high possibility of same CORS error when we try to use internal api because of the CORS mechanism related to port number difference.

There are bunch of steps and answers from SO contributors that recommend to use chrome extensions to avoid CORS errors, but that is actually not cool for users. All the users should download the browser extensions to use the single website from us, which wouldn't be there if we used true server engines.

CORS is from browser as far as i know, so our flutter ios and android apps with same api code don't give those CORS errors. First time i encountered this error with flutter web, i believed i can deal with CORS in my app code lines. But that is actually not healthy way for users and long term dev plans.

Hope all flutter web newbies understand that web is quite a wild field for us. Even though i'm also newbie here, i highly recommend all the flutter web devs from 1.22.n stable to learn server side engines like node js. It is worth try.

And if u came so far down to this line of my self-answer, here's a simple guide for flutter web with node js. Flutter web is on stable channel but all those necessary infra are not fully ready for newbies like me. So be careful when you first dive into web field, and hope you re-check all the conditions and requirements to find out if you really need web version of your flutter app, and also if you really need to do this work with flutter. And my answer was yes lol