How to get file path from UploadFile in FastAPI?

Solution 1:

UploadFile uses Python's SpooledTemporaryFile, which is a "file stored in memory", and "is destroyed as soon as it is closed". You can either read the file contents (i.e., contents = await and then upload these bytes to your server (if it permits), or copy the contents of the uploaded file into a NamedTemporaryFile, as explained here. Unlike SpooledTemporaryFile, NamedTemporaryFile "is guaranteed to have a visible name in the file system" that "can be used to open the file". The temp file's path can be accessed through

contents = await
file_copy = NamedTemporaryFile('wb', delete=False)
f = None
    # Write the contents to the temp file
    with file_copy as f:

    # Here, upload the file to your S3 service
    f = open(, 'rb')

    if f is not None:
        f.close() # Remember to close the file
    os.unlink(  # delete the file