"Create new document" - right-click option missing in Ubuntu GNOME

  1. See if you have ~/Templates folder2. Create one if it is missing using command:

    mkdir ~/Templates
  2. Now create an empty file from command prompt:1

    touch ~/Templates/Text\ File.txt

The "Create Document" option is back again and you can create a new text file or a new document.

1 The backslash is used to tell the shell that the space following it is part of the filename. Since the shell recognizes spaces as delimiters between commands/options/arguments, unless you "quote it", 'quote it', or quote\ it, the shell will treat whatever comes after the space as a separate argument.

2 The ~/Templates folder is localized, change his name accordingly to your localization (ex: ~/Modèles for French localization).

You can go into your ~/Templates folder and create templates yourself, then they will appear in the right-click menu. For example:

cd Templates

touch Filename.txt