Changing proxy_cache_valid value based on GET Query
I'm currently trying to setup a nginx cache that should cache a location for a long time but if query parameters are present for only a few minutes.
So basically: -> long cache -> short cache
My current config looks something like this:
location "~^(/mypath)"
proxy_cache example.com_my_cache_http;
proxy_cache_valid 404 15m;
I can't use diffrent locations because locations can't match query parameters, I have tried using an if (I know it's bad practice)
if ($args ~ param) {
proxy_cache example.com_my_cache_http;
proxy_cache_valid 404 15m;
} else {
proxy_cache example.com_my_cache_http;
proxy_cache_valid 404 2d;
This results in:
Testing nginx configuration: nginx: [emerg] "proxy_cache" directive is not allowed here
I also tried using variables:
set $time "1h";
if ($args ~ param) {
set $time "2m";
proxy_cache example.com_my_cache_http;
proxy_cache_valid 404 $time;
This results in:
Testing nginx configuration: nginx: [emerg] invalid time value "$time"
I'm really running out of ideas any help or hint is appreciated.
My first thought would be to use a map
map $arg_param $cache_valid_404 {
"" 2d;
1 15m;
Then you set:
proxy_cache_valid 404 $cache_valid_404;