How to preserve and freeze modification made during a LiveSession of LiveDisc and to prevent any further modification without remastering the LiveDisc

Custom LiveDisc

Your best choice is probably to create a new custom LiveDisc, but it is a lot of work to setup.

Workaround using a persistent live system

I will suggest a workaround here:


  • Use a persistent live drive by mkusb and set it up with the desired properties (tweaks, installed programs etc)

  • Make a tarball of the content in the partition for persistence and store it in some other partition or drive. There is already a tool for it in mkusb, made for backup purposes.

  • Then you can use the system with persistence

[Repeated] usage

  • At shutdown you should remove the content of the partition for persistence (if it is important to maintain security and privacy)

  • Boot into a live (live-only) session and extract the content from the tarball into the partition for persistence ...

  • and reboot, this time into the persistent live session with the desired properties.

How to make a persistent USB install read-only

It is possible to do what you want using a modified Guest User account

  • Install lightdm:

      sudo apt-get install lightdm

The install process will ask to remove GDM.

  • At popup select lightdm as display manager.

For a grub2 booters with persistent casper-rw partitions, such as mkusb:

Open casper-rw/upper/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and change allow-guest=true. Now there will be a Guest account.

For Syslinux booters with persistent casper-rw files such as UNetbootin and Rufus: First mount the casper-rw file:

sudo mkdir /media/casper

sudo mount -o loop casper-rw /media/casper/

Then edit casper/upper/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and change allow-guest=true A guest account will be added to boot options.

Modifying the Guest Account

You may use an existing User Account, or create a new User Account, to use as a Live basis for customizing the Guest Session.

Make a directory for guest session, if one does not already exist:

sudo mkdir /etc/guest-session

Create a symbolic link:

sudo ln -s /home/{NAME} /etc/guest-session/skel

Where {NAME} is the name of the User Account you wish to use as a basis.

Any changes made to the user account will appear in the guest account.

Any changes to the guest account will be deleted at end of the session.

User {NAME} can be hidden at login:

  • To hide the user open /var/lib/AccountsService/users/{NAME}

  • Edit line to SystemAccount=true

See also Add Guest user to Persistent flash drive

Customize Guest Session