Multiprocessing/for loop is skipping elements randomly

Python doesn't handle Thread/Multiprocessing well with heavy files, I would recommend DASK here. DASK uses clustering which works like multiprocessing which takes lesser time, and then you can use multiprocessing, in addition, to run it faster.

def pickling_joined(p):
    df = dd.read_csv(f'C:\\Users\\Ghosh\\Downloads\\dataset\\data_joined\\{p}.csv')
    df['LTP'] = (df['Bid'] + df['Ask']) / 2
    print(f'\n=====>> Converting Date format for {p} ....')
    df['Date'] = dd.to_datetime(df.Date)
    print(f'\n=====>> Date format converted for {p} ....')
    df = df.set_index('Date', sorted=True)
    df = df.compute()
    with open(f'C:\\Users\\Ghosh\\Downloads\\dataset\\data_pickled\\{p}.pkl', 'wb') as pickle_file:
        pickle.dump(df, pickle_file)
    print(f'\n=O=O=O=O=O>> Pickling done for {p} !!!')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:, pairs)
    finish = time.perf_counter()
    print(f'\nFinished in {finish - start} seconds')

Java will be a better choice for such action, python will always skip steps if large DF.