get name of file from file path using AppleScript

I am trying to get the name of file using AppleScript with the following code:

tell application "Finder"
    set filename to name of "/Users/mainuser/Desktop/Test/shot.png" // should return  shot.png
    display dialog filename
end tell

I am getting an error saying:

error "Can’t get name of \"/Users/mainuser/Desktop/Test/shot.png\"." number -1728 from name of "/Users/mainuser/Desktop/Test/shot.png"

What I am doing wrong?

Solution 1:

Using the file pathname from your question, here is the AppleScript code that should work.

tell application "Finder"
    set fileName to name of (POSIX file "/Users/mainuser/Desktop/Test/shot.png" as alias)
    display dialog fileName
end tell

A more direct way of the above scenario is:


set fileName to name of (info for "/path/to/file")
display dialog fileName

Example (using the pathname in your question):

set fileName to name of (info for "/Users/mainuser/Desktop/Test/shot.png")
display dialog fileName

The shortest way to display the name of a file from its pathname in a dialog box is:


display dialog name of (info for "/path/to/file")

Example (using the pathname in your question):

display dialog name of (info for "/Users/mainuser/Desktop/Test/shot.png")