Check if element is a div

How do I check if $(this) is a div, ul or blockquote?

For example:

if ($(this) is a div) {
  alert('its a div!');
} else {
  alert('its not a div! some other stuff');

Something like this:

if(this.tagName == 'DIV') {
    alert("It's a div!");
} else {
    alert("It's not a div! [some other stuff]");

Solutions without jQuery are already posted, so I'll post solution using jQuery


Without jQuery you can say this.tagName === 'DIV'

Keep in mind that the 'N' in tagName is uppercase.

Or, with more tags:


To check if this element is DIV

if (this instanceof HTMLDivElement) {
   alert('this is a div');

Same for HTMLUListElement for UL,
HTMLQuoteElement for blockquote

if(this.tagName.toLowerCase() == "div"){
    //it's a div
} else {
    //it's not a div

edit: while I was writing, a lot of answers were given, sorry for doublure