Getting "Too many redirects" error with nginx rewrite rule

Solution 1:

Right now any and all requests are going to hit this server block:

server {      
    listen    80 default_server;
    listen    [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;

    server_name _; # This doesn't do anything
    rewrite ^ $scheme://$request_uri permanent;

    # Rest of file irrelevant

Because: no server block has a valid server_name (therefore there will never be host name match) and this is the default_server.

Use appropriate server names

Therefore to always redirect requests hitting the server to a given hostname ensure that there is a server block explicitly for

server {      
    listen    80;
    listen    [::]:80 ipv6only=on;


    # Everything else from "Tomcat server block" 
    # or the proxy_pass config as appropriate

And redirect requests with any other host name to it:

server {      
    listen    80 default_server;
    listen    [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;

    return 301$request_uri;

    # Nothing else, because it wouldn't do anything

In the above note that return 301 is used as it's considered a better practice than an unconditional rewrite rule.