Change SVN message editor

You can add corresponding setting in your $HOME/.subversion/config or %USERPROFILE%\Subversion\config. e.g. for my Windows VM I have got:

editor-cmd = c:/emacs-24.3/bin/runemacs.exe

Update your SVN_EDITOR environment variable. You can try


to see if this is set to something else in your shell - in which case you might want to take a look at your .bashrc (or similar) file.

The editor to be used by SVN can be set at the Subversion config, as vvlevchenko suggested. Edit the corresponding setting in your %USERPROFILE%\Subversion\config on Windows respectively ~/.subversion/config on BSD, Linux, Mac OS.

To use Emacs with SVN on Windows:

editor-cmd = c:/emacs-24.3/bin/runemacs.exe

To use Nano with SVN on BSD, Linux or Mac OS:

editor-cmd = nano

I also found this here (but changed from vim to gedit):


export SVN_EDITOR=gedit

To permanently set this environment variable, put the below line in your ~/.bash_profile file:

sudo gedit ~/.bash_profile
export SVN_EDITOR=gedit

(save file)

vim ~/.bashrc

export SVN_EDITOR=vim   

source ~/.bashrc