java.lang.RuntimeException: Hilt classes generated from @HiltAndroidTest are missing

Solution 1:

You have missed this

kaptTest ''

from your dependencies..

source :

dependencies {
    // For Robolectric tests.
    testImplementation ''
    // ...with Kotlin.
    👉👉👉👉👉 kaptTest ''
    // ...with Java.
    testAnnotationProcessor ''

    // For instrumented tests.
    androidTestImplementation ''
    // ...with Kotlin.
    kaptAndroidTest ''
    // ...with Java.
    androidTestAnnotationProcessor ''

Solution 2:

To make Dagger Hilt works normally with Robolectric. Please make sure you have the following conditionals:

  • Have kaptTest '' from your dependencies.
  • Have @HiltAndroidTest in your test class.
  • Have @Config(application = HiltTestApplication::class) in your test class or specify which application to use in the file: