awaiting inside an awaitable function in .net

Solution 1:

Most likely you just need (note the await on the last line):

       public async Task<int> DoIt()
           await DoOtherAsyncStuff();
           return await _tcs.Task;

await is needed on the last line because an async function returning Task<int> needs to return int, while _tcs.Task is a Task<int>. Using await will wait for the Task's completion and return the int which is what we need.

However, depending on your complete code you may want something else. For example if you're doing more complicated things with TaskCompletionSource you may need to remove async for this definition and do something like

       public Task<int> DoIt()
           return DoOtherAsyncStuff().ContinueWith(_ => 
                   return _tcs.Task;
               }, TaskCompletionOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);

In general it's best not to mess with TaskCompletionSource unless you're doing something more advanced, for example providing an async abstraction of something synchronous/callback based. Hence a complete code example may change my answer (for example what's the body of StartDoingStuff + DoOtherAsyncStuff?).