Comparing two histograms

Comparing histograms is quite a subject in itself.

You've got two big classes of comparison functions : bin-to-bin comparison and cross-bin comparison.

  • Bin-to-bin comparison : As you stated, standard sum of differences is quite bad. There's an improvement: the Chi-squared distance. If[0] = 0.001 and[0] = 0.011, then[0] is much more important than if[0] = 0.1 and[0] = 0.11, even though in both cases |[0] -[0]| = 0.01.
  • Cross-bin comparison : A standard example called the bin-similarity matrix requires some similarity matrix M where in M(i,j) is the similarity between the bins i and j. Assume bin[i] is red. If bin[j] is dark red, then M(i,j) is large. If bin[j] is green, M(i,j) is small. Then, the distance between histograms H1 and H2 would be sqrt((H1-H2)*M*(H1-H2)). This method takes in account what you've said about "close" bins! Earth Moving Distance (EMD) is another kind of cross-bin distance.

To finish, I've got three points :

  • You should read this paper on histogram distance. It's quite easy and introduces you to histogram distances. All the distances I talked about are summed up nicely in chapter 1. Honestly, the final thing described in the article is not that complex, but it's probably overkill for your case.
  • Cross-bin distance is very good, but can be costly (i.e : long to compute, because it involves a matrix, thus is O(n^2)). The simplest way to circumvent the expensive cross-bin computation (and it is widely done) is to do some soft assignment : if a pixel is red, then you should fill ALL the bins that are remotely looking like red (of course, giving more weight to the closest colors). Then you can use a bin-to-bin algorithm.
  • A bit more math-centric : the previous point was all about reducing a cross-bin comparison to a bin-to-bin comparison. In fact, it consists of implicitly diagonalizing the similarity matrix M. If you can diagonalize M = P'*D*P where P' is the transpose of P, then sqrt((H1-H2)'*M*(H1-H2)) = sqrt((H1-H2)'*P'*D*P*(H1-H2)) = sqrt((P(H1-H2))'*D*(P(H1-H2))). Depending on how trivial it is for you to compute P(H1-H2), this can save you computation time. Intuitively, if H1 is your original histogram, P*H1 is a soft assignment and you are using the implicit similarity matrix M = P'*Id*P.

I'm surprised that no one mentioned opencv implementation of the histogram comparison, and can easily handle multichannel images (grayscale, rgb, rgba, etc) of different format (uchar, float, double, etc)

Includes the Bhattacharyya distance, Chi-Square, correlation and intersection methods. You can find the

compareHist(InputArray H1, InputArray H2, int method)

function in the manual here.