randomizing two lists and maintaining order in python

Say I have two simple lists,

a = ['Spears', "Adele", "NDubz", "Nicole", "Cristina"]
b = [1,2,3,4,5]
len(a) == len(b)

What I would like to do is randomize a and b but maintain the order. So, something like:

a = ["Adele", 'Spears', "Nicole", "Cristina", "NDubz"]
b = [2,1,4,5,3]

I am aware that I can shuffle one list using:

import random

But this just randomizes a, whereas, I would like to randomize a, and maintain the "randomized order" in list b.

Would appreciate any guidance on how this can be achieved.

Solution 1:

I'd combine the two lists together, shuffle that resulting list, then split them. This makes use of zip()

a = ["Spears", "Adele", "NDubz", "Nicole", "Cristina"]
b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

combined = list(zip(a, b))

a[:], b[:] = zip(*combined)

Solution 2:

Use zip which has the nice feature to work in 'both' ways.

import random

a = ['Spears', "Adele", "NDubz", "Nicole", "Cristina"]
b = [1,2,3,4,5]
z = zip(a, b)
# => [('Spears', 1), ('Adele', 2), ('NDubz', 3), ('Nicole', 4), ('Cristina', 5)]
a, b = zip(*z)