urllib.urlencode doesn't like unicode values: how about this workaround?

If I have an object like:

d = {'a':1, 'en': 'hello'}

...then I can pass it to urllib.urlencode, no problem:

percent_escaped = urlencode(d)
print percent_escaped

But if I try to pass an object with a value of type unicode, game over:

d2 = {'a':1, 'en': 'hello', 'pt': u'olá'}
percent_escaped = urlencode(d2)
print percent_escaped # This fails with a UnicodeEncodingError

So my question is about a reliable way to prepare an object to be passed to urlencode.

I came up with this function where I simply iterate through the object and encode values of type string or unicode:

def encode_object(object):
  for k,v in object.items():
    if type(v) in (str, unicode):
      object[k] = v.encode('utf-8')
  return object

This seems to work:

d2 = {'a':1, 'en': 'hello', 'pt': u'olá'}
percent_escaped = urlencode(encode_object(d2))
print percent_escaped

And that outputs a=1&en=hello&pt=%C3%B3la, ready for passing to a POST call or whatever.

But my encode_object function just looks really shaky to me. For one thing, it doesn't handle nested objects.

For another, I'm nervous about that if statement. Are there any other types that I should be taking into account?

And is comparing the type() of something to the native object like this good practice?

type(v) in (str, unicode) # not so sure about this...


You should indeed be nervous. The whole idea that you might have a mixture of bytes and text in some data structure is horrifying. It violates the fundamental principle of working with string data: decode at input time, work exclusively in unicode, encode at output time.

Update in response to comment:

You are about to output some sort of HTTP request. This needs to be prepared as a byte string. The fact that urllib.urlencode is not capable of properly preparing that byte string if there are unicode characters with ordinal >= 128 in your dict is indeed unfortunate. If you have a mixture of byte strings and unicode strings in your dict, you need to be careful. Let's examine just what urlencode() does:

>>> import urllib
>>> tests = ['\x80', '\xe2\x82\xac', 1, '1', u'1', u'\x80', u'\u20ac']
>>> for test in tests:
...     print repr(test), repr(urllib.urlencode({'a':test}))
'\x80' 'a=%80'
'\xe2\x82\xac' 'a=%E2%82%AC'
1 'a=1'
'1' 'a=1'
u'1' 'a=1'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
  File "C:\python27\lib\urllib.py", line 1282, in urlencode
    v = quote_plus(str(v))
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\x80' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

The last two tests demonstrate the problem with urlencode(). Now let's look at the str tests.

If you insist on having a mixture, then you should at the very least ensure that the str objects are encoded in UTF-8.

'\x80' is suspicious -- it is not the result of any_valid_unicode_string.encode('utf8').
'\xe2\x82\xac' is OK; it's the result of u'\u20ac'.encode('utf8').
'1' is OK -- all ASCII characters are OK on input to urlencode(), which will percent-encode such as '%' if necessary.

Here's a suggested converter function. It doesn't mutate the input dict as well as returning it (as yours does); it returns a new dict. It forces an exception if a value is a str object but is not a valid UTF-8 string. By the way, your concern about it not handling nested objects is a little misdirected -- your code works only with dicts, and the concept of nested dicts doesn't really fly.

def encoded_dict(in_dict):
    out_dict = {}
    for k, v in in_dict.iteritems():
        if isinstance(v, unicode):
            v = v.encode('utf8')
        elif isinstance(v, str):
            # Must be encoded in UTF-8
        out_dict[k] = v
    return out_dict

and here's the output, using the same tests in reverse order (because the nasty one is at the front this time):

>>> for test in tests[::-1]:
...     print repr(test), repr(urllib.urlencode(encoded_dict({'a':test})))
u'\u20ac' 'a=%E2%82%AC'
u'\x80' 'a=%C2%80'
u'1' 'a=1'
'1' 'a=1'
1 'a=1'
'\xe2\x82\xac' 'a=%E2%82%AC'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 8, in encoded_dict
  File "C:\python27\lib\encodings\utf_8.py", line 16, in decode
    return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, errors, True)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x80 in position 0: invalid start byte

Does that help?

I had the same problem with German "Umlaute". The solution is pretty simple:

In Python 3+, urlencode allows to specify the encoding:

from urllib import urlencode
args = {}
args = {'a':1, 'en': 'hello', 'pt': u'olá'}
urlencode(args, 'utf-8')

>>> 'a=1&en=hello&pt=ol%3F'

Seems like it is a wider topic than it looks, especially when you have to deal with more complex dictionary values. I found 3 ways of solving the problem:

  1. Patch urllib.py to include encoding parameter:

    def urlencode(query, doseq=0, encoding='ascii'):

    and replace all str(v) conversions to something like v.encode(encoding)

    Obviously not good, since it's hardly redistributable and even harder to maintain.

  2. Change default Python encoding as described here. The author of the blog pretty clearly describes some problems with this solution and who knows how more of them could be lurking in the shadows. So it doesn't look good to me either.

  3. So I, personally, ended up with this abomination, which encodes all unicode strings to UTF-8 byte strings in any (reasonably) complex structure:

    def encode_obj(in_obj):
        def encode_list(in_list):
            out_list = []
            for el in in_list:
            return out_list
        def encode_dict(in_dict):
            out_dict = {}
            for k, v in in_dict.iteritems():
                out_dict[k] = encode_obj(v)
            return out_dict
        if isinstance(in_obj, unicode):
            return in_obj.encode('utf-8')
        elif isinstance(in_obj, list):
            return encode_list(in_obj)
        elif isinstance(in_obj, tuple):
            return tuple(encode_list(in_obj))
        elif isinstance(in_obj, dict):
            return encode_dict(in_obj)
        return in_obj

    You can use it like this: urllib.urlencode(encode_obj(complex_dictionary))

    To encode keys also, out_dict[k] can be replaced with out_dict[k.encode('utf-8')], but it was a bit too much for me.