Is there any toy for learning algebraic manipulation of fractions?

Solution 1:

This is just a hastily-drawn idea. The rule for moving each of $a, b, c,d$ across the $=$ sign is that it switches position in the fraction -- numerator becomes denominator and vice versa. So there are simple rods in the figure, and each of $a, b, c, d$ are beads on the rods (with a bit of friction, so they don't perpetually live in the $\frac{1}{bc} = \frac{1}{ad}$ configuration).

Fraction Sliders

Solution 2:

Since you gave Rubic's Cube as an example, this reminded me of a square. We may think the numbers $a, b, c$ and $d$ as the vertices of a square such that $a$ and $c$ (top vertices) represent the numerators and $b$ and $d$ (bottom vertices) represent denominators. We think that the vertices of the square gives us the equality top left / bottom left = top right / bottom right, i.e., $a/c = b/d$.

Also, instead of turning a knob or twisting a handle etc., when we move a number, it moves two vertices counterclockwise. For example, if we move $a$, then we get $1/c=b/ad$. Then the vertices of the square are 1, c, b, ad (starting from the top left vertex and continuing counterclockwise).

I do not know if it is worth considering, but it is just an idea.