How is Deadly Strike calculated?

When I was playing on my Zealadin, a friend of mine gave me a sword that had the Deadly Strike bonus applied to it.

I'm not entirely sure this sword was legit (it could have very well been a modded weapon, but I don't even know how to tell). The thing that interested me was that, by the time I hit level 99, the Deadly Strike bonus was up to +600% Chance of Deadly Strike.

What does this bonus signify? Or, more importantly, how is its bonus damage calculated?

Information on Deadly Strike is scare, but basically, it's the same as Critical Strike which allows for a multiplier on damage dealt. This is what I found from Diablo Wiki and ExtremeGamerz

Some things to note about Deadly Strike:

  • All melee damage is doubled, whether its physical, magic or elemental
  • Deadly strike is the last thing that's applied to your damage, so the existing modifiers are taken into account
  • Deadly Strike & Critical Strike are mutually exclusive, so both cannot stack up & be applied at the same time:
  • Chance to do double damage is given by: Real chance to do double damage = Critical Strike + (Deadly Strike / 100) * (100 - Critical Strike)
  • There is no cap on how high the chance to trigger a deadly strike can get, but anything over 100% is pointless because it can be active only once per attack.