Using Powercfg to remove Hibernation file does not work , even though I am the Administrator

Solution 1:

Sometimes powercfg needs a - and sometimes a / at the beginning of a parameter.

This Technet article for Windows 8 states a / and another older article a -. (Which has worked since Windows XP).

For me (Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit) both variations work. In the second article one user stated (with the same configuration) he had trouble with the - where / worked. So the reason is still a mystery.

To run the command you can click start, type cmd, and right-click cmd.exe on the top and choose run as administrator (or you won't have elevated rights to perform the command).

Solution 2:

Try the following:

powercfg -hibernate off

This is how I solved it in my case.

Solution 3:

In my case I was getting "Invalid Parameters" for powercfg /devicequery wake_armed on Windows 8.1. After looking at the options by typing powercfg /? devicequery, I copied the example which uses all caps for all except the query flag:


That worked. So maybe POWERCFG /HIBERNATE off would work in your case.