How to make uTorrent open magnet links from Google Chrome?

Nothing happens when I click on a magnet:// link on Google Chrome. How to make that when I click on a magnet:// link on Chrome, uTorrent opens it?

Go to:

C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data**,  (%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data)

You need to close google chrome, and open file Local State, you will need Notepad++ or something similar. And find magnet key, for example link javascript is enabled here. If there is torrent (or magnet) you just make it true, if not, try to add it in same fashion.

   "protocol_handler": {
      "excluded_schemes": {
         "afp": true,
         "data": true,
         "disk": true,
         "disks": true,
         "file": true,
         "hcp": true,
         "javascript": true,

If that dont work, try to delete them, and then chrome should allegedly ask you again what to do. Maybe you should look in registry

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Magnet values. If I have figure it out, shell value (this value you will also found in protocol handler) is for external application to run in Chrome, but maybe I am very wrong!

I know it is not the smartest solution, but does something prevent you from resetting browser settings, or reinstalling Chrome (and uTorrent)?

I tried all the registry suggestions only to find that I did not have all the mentioned keys.

In the end, what worked for me was to go to Options -> Preferences within Utorrent.

In the general section there is a button labeled "Associate with torrent files". I clicked that button and did not even have to restart chrome before it started working.

Just had this same problem. Instead, I just right clicked on the magnet link text in my browser and edited it as HTML. So:


Turns into:

<a href="magnetlinkURL">click me </a>

Then I finished editing and just clicked the link normally.

If you have multiple profiles activated in chrome,
You will have to edit C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\<Profile folder>\Preferences file to get it work.
Where <Profile folder> can be Default, Profile 1, Profile 2.... etc. based on profile.

If not,
Edit C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Local State as suggested in other answers.

Edit required:

  1. Open Preferences file or Local State file with notepad/notepad++ and find magnet keyword.

  2. Either update "magnet" value to false or remove "magnet" definition from "excluded_schemes" section completely.
    i.e. change "magnet": true, to "magnet": false, or remove "magnet": true, completely.