No Skype tray icon in Ubuntu 15.04

After installing Ubuntu 15.04 and skype ( I cannot get Skype indicator to appear in tray

I've tried doing this:

But the icon just doesn't appear after installing those (even after rebooting the system).

I've also tried installing dconf-editor to whitelist all the icons in Unity just like shown here: How do I access and enable more icons to be in the system tray? But I don't have such option as "panel" under the "Unity" dropdown!

How can I make the indicator show up in the tray bar? I had it working in Ubuntu 14.04

Solution 1:

Here posted the solution worked for me finally on 15.04.

sudo apt-get install sni-qt:i386

Then need to restart Skype.

Solution 2:

Running the following command solved my problem:

sudo apt-get install libappindicator1