How to get Ascii Ubuntu logo in terminal

Archey is a script that displays system info in the terminal with a logo of this the Linux distro in ASCII art.

Install Archey in ubuntu

sudo apt-get install lsb-release scrot
sudo dpkg -i archey-0.2.8.deb 

Using Archey

run the command


enter image description here

There is screenfetch - It has information about the theme you are using, as well as screen resolution.

  1. Download the code from:

  2. Copy the code and Paste the code in a new file in gedit and save as screenfetch in your Home Folder.

  3. Run

    chmod +x screenfetch  

    (making sure your terminal is directed to your home folder)

  4. Then:


Here are details about the program

enter image description here

This also has the option of auto taking a screenshot - if you have scrot installed.

  1. Install scrot:

    sudo apt-get install scrot
  2. Run screenfecth with -s

    ./screenfetch -s  

enter image description here

A simple one is neofetch. It also displays ascii ubuntu some other info. install with

sudo apt install neofetch


On more recent versions of Ubuntu (>16.04), you can install screenfetch from official repositories:

apt install screenfetch

  • Official code is on GitHub.
  • PPA also available