Disable "Window is Ready" Notification in Gnome Shell?

There is a gnome shell extension called Steal my Focus which disables this behavior but it doesn't seem to be supported by the developer anymore. You can make it work though by forking the git repository, editing the metadata.json file and adding your gnome-shell version in there. Here is mine:

    "_generated": "Generated by SweetTooth, do not edit",
    "description": "Let windows steal focus. Removes the annoying 'Window is ready' notification and focus window immediately",
    "name": "Steal My Focus",
    "original-authors": [
         "[email protected]"
    "shell-version": [
    "url": "https://github.com/kagesenshi/gnome-shell-extension-stealmyfocus",
    "uuid": "[email protected]",
    "version": 1

The answer I arrived at is to install this Gnome Extension:


Discovered while participating in this issue:
