How to copy deleted text in MS Word

I want to copy the text that is in revisions marked as deleted - and paste it to another document. But when I mark it with mouse and do Ctrl-C it says "The selection is marked as deleted text" and nothing is copied to the clipboard.

UPDATE: is there a solution without rejecting the deletion?

Solution 1:

Is there any solution without rejecting the deletion?

Solution 1:

  1. Select the deleted text plus an extra word.

  2. Then you should be able to copy without getting the error message.

  3. Paste the text into the other document.

  4. Delete the extra word.

Source Can't copy text marked as deleted

Solution 2:

Use the following VBA code:

Option Explicit

Public myString As String

Sub CopyMyDelete()
' Alt-1 is shortcut
myString = Selection.Text
End Sub

Sub PasteMyDelete()
' Alt-2 is shortcut
Selection.TypeText myString
End Sub

Now I can go into any TrackChange balloon, select deleted text and hit Alt-1. Yes, perhaps it is silly, but you can not copy selected deleted text in VBA either. However, you can make a public string variable that selected text.

Now I can move the Selection out of the balloon, and where ever I want, I can Alt-2 and the previously selected deleted text is typed in. It will of course be marked as a Track Change insert.

Note that when you move the Selection out of the TrackChange ballon (where you grabbed the deleted text) you can use the Selection however you like. The deleted text contents are in a string variable, NOT text associated with the selection itself. You can do other stuff, and when you want - type in the deleted text with an Alt-2.

Source Word says "marked as deleted text"

Solution 2:

You can follow this process:

  • reject deletion
  • select the text and press copy
  • insert the text
  • go back to Word and undo rejection