VBA Macro to split worksheet into new work books

I am very new to vba/macros, I created a macro that splits multiple sheets into new excel file. However, I get 1004 error when I run the macro. Error COde that I get

Debug here in the code line

Below is my code.

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

 Dim workbookPath As String
    workbookPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    For Each wSheet In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
        Application.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=workbookPath & "C\Path.xlsm" & wSheet.Name & ".xlsx"
        Application.ActiveWorkbook.Close False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Note macro button I have created in sheet1 named "Part1" and want to create new files from next sheet onwards. Please help.... Part 1 is where I created the button

You are trying to insert two paths into your line of code.

Since you defined the workbookPath variable you don't need to use "C\Path.xlsm". You need to remove "C\Path.xlsm" and insert "\" before wSheet.Name. see basic code below. Comment out the Debug.Print(s) after you have used to verify.

Dim workbookPath As String: workbookPath = ThisWorkbook.Path 'ThisWorkbook is the macro enabled workbook.

Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.Path 'open the immediate window to varify to verify the path of the macro enabled workbook. 
    For Each wSheet In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=workbookPath & "\" & wSheet.Name & ".xlsx"
        'When you save a sheet as a workbook it becomes the activeworkbook
        Debug.Print ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\"; ActiveWorkbook.Name 'use to verify the path of the new workbook.
        ActiveWorkbook.Close False
    Next wSheet

End Sub