What is the verb form of "LLC"?

Solution 1:

I would not look for the verb form of Limited Liability Company, I would just use become:

Founded in April 2005, and then becoming an LLC in 2006, Example Company is now the leading news site.

Solution 2:

At least in the legal idiom, "formed," "organized," and in many jurisdictions, "chartered" are appropriate.

Solution 3:

As presumably Example Company remains an LLC, you could write

Founded in April of 2005 and an LLC since 2006, Example Company is...

By saying "an LLC since 2006", it implies that that was when it first became an LLC (it was not an LLC before that date), which is just what you want to say. This is slightly more concise than your other options.

Solution 4:

How about structured or re-structured?

Founded in April of 2005, and LLC-structured in 2006, Example Company is now the leading news site.

Solution 5:

Incorporation is still correct. An LLC is a limited liability corporation, but it is still class of corporation, and thus, it must have been incorporated.