not-null property references a null or transient value

Solution 1:

for followers, this error message can also mean "you have it referencing a foreign object that hasn't been saved to the DB yet" (even though it's there, and is non null).

Solution 2:

Every InvoiceItem must have an Invoice attached to it because of the not-null="true" in the many-to-one mapping.

So the basic idea is you need to set up that explicit relationship in code. There are many ways to do that. On your class I see a setItems method. I do NOT see an addInvoiceItem method. When you set items, you need to loop through the set and call item.setInvoice(this) on all of the items. If you implement an addItem method, you need to do the same thing. Or you need to otherwise set the Invoice of every InvoiceItem in the collection.

Solution 3:

This could be as simple as:

@Column(name = "Some_Column", nullable = false)

but while persisting, the value of "Some_Column"is null, even if "Some_Column" may not be any primary or foreign key.

Solution 4:

Check the unsaved values for your primary key/Object ID in your hbm files. If you have automated ID creation by hibernate framework and you are setting the ID somewhere it will throw this error.By default the unsaved value is 0, so if you set the ID to 0 you will see this error.