Windows 7 remote desktop hangs after a successful login

Solution 1:

This often happens to me when I connect to Windows 7 x64 machine. Solution that I use is pressing Ctrl-Alt-End in the RDP window. This brings up the "lock your computer" screen. Lock-Unlock and you are in!

Solution 2:

I had this problem for years. After a lot of research and experimentation, I created the following script and it works for me and some of my colleagues...

  1. Put the following in a text file and name it as .bat (like Release_RD.bat)

    tasklist -s your_remote_machine_name -fi "imagename eq mpnotify.exe"
    set /p pid=Enter PID found above:
    taskkill -s your_remote_machine_name  -pid %pid%
  2. If you aren't currently looking at the spinning Welcome screen, attempt to log in again so that your remote desktop client is actively on the Welcome screen

  3. Double-click the .bat script and follow the directions in it. You might have to run the script twice if there are multiple mpnotify.exe processes.

Solution 3:

I've had this kind of problems in the past when I used client computers with buggy out of date nvidia graphic drivers.

This may be unrelated to your problem, but you might want to check that your drivers are up to date.

Solution 4:

In case this problem still happens, although Win 7 is leaving us soon....

I had this issue and found this way to solve it. On the remote Win 7 machine...

  1. Open Network and Sharing Center

  2. Click on Manage wireless networks

  3. Doubleclick the active network and check if Network availability is set to Me only. If that is the case, close window, select the network and choose Remove.

  4. Connect to the network again. This will set the Network availability to All users (if not, you may have to add the network manually in Manage wireless networks, or connect while loged in as admin (this last is just a qualified guess).

FYI: I found this solution at:

Hope this helps. Cheers!