Failed to install *.apk on device 'emulator-5554': EOF

Solution 1:

I've ran into this problem many times. Try each of these steps after each step run the APK file if it doesn't work move to the next step:

  1. Run it again. (simply try rerunning it).
  2. Project->Clean (clean the project plus any projects that it relies on).
  3. Right click project in the package explorer then close it. Then close Eclipse. Then reopen both.
  4. Same as the previous step plus Project->Clean.
  5. Restart the AVD.
  6. Delete the AVD. Then go into the folder that holds the AVD in the Android-Sdk folder and delete anything with the AVD's name (a file plus a folder). You may have to restart your computer to get it to delete. Create a new AVD.

Solution 2:

Run the next command:

adb kill-server
adb start-server

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