Passing arguments to nagios plugin

Solution 1:

In the service definition you put the host_name of the host where the service is running that you want to check.

The check_command definition my_command!whatever will pass whatever to the command definition as $ARG1$. Add more !more for $ARG2$, etc.

You need to pass the needed parameters to in the command definition. You have access to things like $HOSTNAME$ and $HOSTADDRESS$; the command you define in the define command section will be run locally on the nagios server; for things like nrpe there's a command definition that connects to the nrpe server... hence also then the command is run locally!

Start here for nagios documentation, e.g. "The Basics" and "Standard Macros in Nagios".

Solution 2:

To Register and use custom plugin with parameter use following example

if curl -s --head $URL | grep "200 OK" > /dev/null
then echo "Ok - $URL is up!"
exit 0
else echo "CRITICAL - $URL is down!"
exit 2

Give Required permission and ownership same permission as built-in plugin

To test plugin individually

./check_web_url <<WEBSITE_URL>>

add defination in commands.cfg

define command {
       command_name check_web_url
       command_line $USER1$/check_web_url $ARG1$

Add check_web_url in cfg file

define service{
        use                             local-service
        host_name                       <specify-hostname>
        service_description             Check url 
        check_command                   check_web_url!http://website_url_will_here
        check_interval                  1