Linux and Windows on same computer. Access windows from ubuntu

I have two OS installed on my PC. Ubuntu and Windows. I need, sometimes, to use windows to open some files but I need to restart my computer to access windows, because I use Ubuntu as my primary OS.

Is there any option to access the windows installed on my computer with a software, directly from my Ubuntu?

Thank you all!

If you have powerful hardware, consider using virtualization software such as VirtualBox to run Windows inside Linux, so that you can run Windows applications while you are inside Linux.

No absolutely no, but instead you can use some applications that run .exe files from inside Ubuntu, such as wine, playonlinux ....

The most known is wine.

you can install wine using the command:

sudo apt-get install wine

Once wine is installed you can create a Windows environment inside your Ubuntu so you can install and use some windows app inside.

Here you can find lits of apps that works with wine.

Another Option to use Virtual machines such as:

  • Xen
  • VBox
  • Qemu
  • VMWare

Here you can find a list of available virtual machines for Ubuntu.

If you want to just access the files stored on the windows part, you can use ntfs-3G to read he ntfs partition